Saturday, September 23, 2017

Could ERA be Automated in the Near Future?

Could ERA submissions be auto-generated in the near future? The new ERA specifications released by the ARC hint perhaps yes.

Australia's national research evaluation exercise, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) is conducted roughly once every three years with a large investment of time and money from the university sector and the ARC. The cost of running ERA to the sector has been variously estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million.

Universities are required to submit information and data relating to their research activities over the preceding six years. This includes publications, research projects and grants, research staff, along with a raft of related indicators such as patents and commercialisation activity.

Much of the information universities submit as part of the exercise is available from other sources - either publicly available (e.g. grant outcomes from the ARC and NHMRC, HERDC income returns, ABS R&D expenditure surveys) or from third party suppliers (e.g. Scopus or Clarivate publications databases).

If we were able to link researchers, their publications and grant funding to universities and fields of research then an ERA submission could in theory be developed automatically without the time and expense incurred by universities.

The Australian Research Council (ARC) website now includes the ERA 2018 Technical Specifications and Submission Guidelines. Of note is the optional inclusion of information like unique author identifiers (ORCID) and unique article identifiers (DOI). A combination of ORCIDs, DOIs, citation data and fields of research (e.g. from the ERA Journal List) could in theory be used to auto-generate ERA submissions for  universities. Not only could this be less expensive for the sector but also offers the benefit of a more contemporary data set compared with the retrospective ERA as it currently stands.

So perhaps we will see an auto-generated ERA in 2021...

You can view the ERA guidelines for yourself at the ARC's website.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The ARC has released the draft ERA 2018 Submission Guidelines

The ARC has now released the draft ERA 2018 submission guidelines for consultation. You can find a copy at their website here.

There are not really too many changes to the submission which should please universities - especially as they are gearing up for the Impact and Engagement assessment at the same time. Guidelines for the impact and engagement assessment are still pending at this stage.

A couple of interesting additions include:

  • Reporting of ORCID (optional)
  • Reporting of DOI (optional)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research section - although it would be nice to have a clear definition of Aboriginal research to work with. 
Also interesting to see the addition of this to the the guidelines:

Institutions agree to allow the ARC to publish any submitted data from ERA 2018. In addition, institutions must agree to publish their submission, with the exception of their staff data, on 5 February 2019.

It will be good to get some clarity on what form this would take.