- The Sustainable Research Excellence (SRE) initiative;
- the Joint Research Engagement (JRE) program;
- the Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG) scheme; and
- the Research Training Scheme (RTS).
This table shows that in 2002 each publication point was worth $2,928. In fact a book would have been worth a whopping $14,640 as they are weighted at 5:1 over other publication types. However, this value has rapidly decreased from $2,928 in 2002 to a current value of only $1,745 in 2014 ($8,725 for a book). So, if you are publishing research at a university and you are wondering how much your publication is worth in dollar terms, now you know, $1,745 - BUT, this is for a sole authored paper of course, and if you have co-authored with someone outside of your institution this value halves to $872; co-authored with two others? $582 and so on.
I was shown a paper the other day with the title: "Inclusive Search for Supersymmetry Using Razor Variables in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=7 Tev"; this paper had 2196 authors listed on it and one of them was from an Australian university. This means that this highly collaborative research paper was worth a grand total of 79c!
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