Saturday, November 28, 2009

ERA Washup & Lessons Learnt - Your ERA Submission

On Thursday 26 November I headed over to Sydney for the Collaborative Research Administrators Group (CRAG) forum titled ERA Washup & Lessons Learnt. The event was held at the Stamford Plaza Airport Hotel which was a lovely venue and made it easy to get over and back again for the day. While it was interesting to hear the stories about the blood, sweat and tears that went into some of the ERA submissions of the universities involved - for me the most informative session was presented by Dr Alex Cook from the Australian Research Council (ARC). Alex outlined some the changes that will occur between the 2009 ERA trial and the 2010 full ERA submission. Of course, following the presentation the poor fellow was flooded with questions for a good 20-30 minutes before he was allowed to return to his seat - I think he was well prepared though and did a great job responding to peoples questions and suggestions.

While there were a whole number of changes to the ERA process I think for me these are the most significant:

  1. There will be a soft submission that can be checked by the ARC for potential errors before the submission is signed off by the Vice Chancellor - this will allow us an opportunity to fix the submission without requiring the VC to certify multiple times.
  2. Field of Research (FoR) codes will be apportioned rather than double and triple counted thus removing "ghost" unit of assessments.
  3. There will be exemplar Background Statements available.
  4. We will be able to see reports similar to the reports supplied to the Research Evaluation Committees (REC) which will give us a much better idea of what our submission looks like in the REC's eyes - this will also help in producing our Background Statements.
The rest of the presentation mainly talked about data quality issues which are always going to be issues that need sorting out. Also research theme codes are going to be added to every output - this seemed to be a big issue for most of the people in the room. I am not sure that this is such a big issue myself.

In all it was a great chance to hear about other research office's experiences with their submissions and a good chance to network.

Details of the forum and copies of the presentations can be found here:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ERA 2010 FAQs

The Australian Research council (ARC) have updated their FAQ webpage with the following frequently asked questions. They are set to release their final guidelines for the ERA initiative in December. These FAQs outline some the differences that there will be between the 2009 Trial and 2010 full ERA submission.

What changes will occur from the 2009 ERA Submission Guidelines?
Changes in the ERA 2010 Submission Guidelines will include:

  1. Clarification of the researcher eligibility requirements. An additional employment category will be provided to accommodate casual staff.
  2. A selection of esteem indicators will be included.
  3. There will be ERA Listed Conferences for selected disciplines. This will include ranked and unranked conferences.
  4. Institutions will be able to apportion FoRs for research outputs, research income, applied measures and esteem. For Journal Articles and Listed Conferences, apportionment of FoRs will only be possible across the codes to which each journal/conference is assigned.
  5. For peer review, institutions will be able to nominate a preferred FoR in which the output should be reviewed.
  6. Research Themes will be mandatory for each research output, although a response of ‘not applicable’ will be allowed.
  7. Additional applied measures will be included: plant breeder’s rights, NHMRC-endorsed guidelines.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Corporate Cup 2009

The UniSA Research and Innovation Services team, the "Research Runners", were awarded this years Corporate Cup for the north region. The Corporate Cup was a 4.5km run around the lake at Mawson Lakes once a fortnight for 14 weeks. We had a team of 7 runners and gained points by improving on each consecutive run for a total of 883 points out 1000.

Information on the Life Be In It - Corporate Cup can be found here:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

UCD Bibliometrics Booklet

University College Dublin has released this interesting and useful guide to bibliometrics.

It gives concise explanations of citations, benchmarks, h-index, journal rankings and eigenfactors.

Monday, November 16, 2009

VC Awards for Staff Excellence

On Friday 6 November the University held its annual VC awards for staff excellence - the awards recognise outstanding contributions by staff across the University. This year our ERA team was awarded the "Working Across Boundaries" award which recognises bringing ideas, people and resources together across administrative and academic units.

Details on this year's recipients can be found here: